Day 1 Teaching and Q&C (Oct 7)


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Exercise Instructions:
This exercise is called a “Monologue” and will be done in a small group of 3 people. One person will speak for 15 minutes exploring the topic. After 15 minutes, the next person goes and so on.

Those listening are being silent, neutral witnesses, sensing themselves and being present, paying equal attention to themselves and to the speaker. No encouragement or discouragement in posture or words, just open attentiveness that helps the person feel held and supported to explore. The speaker is also sensing themselves and exploring their experience with immediacy as they verbalize to partners. 

Once all 3 people have had a turn, the group will spend 15 minutes in open discussion about what you all found out and pooling your insights which can further help in developing your understanding.

This is a time to practice inquiry, so please stay off other devices and we will save socializing for another time. 

Exercise Topic 

15-minute monologue: Explore how you experience love. What does it feel like? As you feel it, see if you can sense where it comes from. What’s the source of the love you feel?

15-minute group discussion: Discuss what you discovered during the exploration. What’s the field between you like now?


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