Luminous Heart: Awakening to Your Loving Nature

We all long for love.

The search for it and the loss of it have been written about in countless songs, fairy tales, and movies.

We try to find it in the endless search for the perfect relationship and union with our one true love, yet relationships end, hearts are broken, and the hunt begins again.

We try to find it by immersing ourselves in our careers, hobbies, pastimes, and any number of obsessions and distractions, but nothing quite fills the void.

We look for it in religion and different spiritual traditions that teach that “god is love” and all of life is love, yet we struggle to reconcile that with a world so full of violence, trauma, and hatred.

We may even feel shut down to love, cut off from passion, or internalize our disconnection from it and come to believe that we ourselves are unlovable.

Why can’t we seem to find a love that truly satisfies our longing? 

The truth is that the love we’re looking for out there has been in us all along. At the most fundamental level of our being, love is who and what we really are, our deepest nature and the very heart of being human. Through the natural course of our development and painful experiences along the way, we’ve simply become disconnected from our embodied knowing of this truth.

But we can bridge the divide and address what stands in the way so we can heal the illusion of separateness from love and realize our wholeness again.

We hope you enjoy this special talk as author and Diamond Approach founder, A.H. Almaas, and Diamond Approach teacher Zarina Maiwandi, guide us in an exploration of the deepest questions we have about love.

Continue exploring with The Way of Love online course

If you’d like to go deeper with this topic, we hope you’ll join us as Diamond Approach teacher, Zarina Maiwandi, and special guest, A.H. Almaas, continue this exploration on love with The Way of Love online course. This 3-part experiential program expands on everything you learned in today’s webinar and provides practical tools for working through inner obstacles so we can experience love more fully in our daily lives. The course starts October 7th and we hope to see you there!

Share Your Thoughts and Experiences Below

How have you defined love? Has that changed after watching this teaching?

What do you find most challenging about love?

What questions arose for you in response the talk?

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