Diamond Path Orientation

How to Engage More Deeply in the Teachings

Show Notes

00:00 – 12:57           The School, Method & Path

12:58 – 38:14             Student Experiences

38:15 – 53:30             Types of Engagement

53:31 – 1:02:21           Group Experience: Diamond Approach Asia

1:02:22 – 1:09:51        Group Experience: Diamond Heart Online 1

1:09:52 – 1:14:42        Group Experience: Diamond Approach Australia

1:14:43 – 1:17:24        What does it mean to be a Ridhwan School member? What is the process?

1:17:25 – 1:20:28        Are there recommendations for how to choose a teacher? Should I wait to join a group or start with a teacher right away?

1:20:29 – 1:21:14        Is there an average price for a private session?

1:21:15 – 1:22:28        How many students are in a group?

1:22:29 – 1:24:01        What is the Lightness of Being Course?

1:24:02 – 1:26:34        What is the small group process like?

1:26:35 – 1:27:18         Is there an age limit on joining a group? Am I possibly too old to start?

Resources Mentioned

General Diamond Approach
Diamond Approach (main site)
Diamond Approach Online (online courses, webinars, inquiry groups)
Articles Books  Glossary Videos

Explore the Foundational Teachings
Lightness of Being is a 6-part online course that is both an excellent introduction to the core teachings of the Diamond Approach – as well as an opportunity for seasoned spiritual seekers to experience the transformative power of this path.
Lightness of Being Introductory Course

Learn Inquiry in a Group
Online Inquiry Groups are open to the public, a unique way to learn the practice of inquiry, and designed to give those new to the path a taste of the small group experience with a teacher.
Online Inquiry Groups

Engage in a more personalized way with a certified Diamond Approach Teacher
Private sessions are one-on-one meetings with a Diamond Approach teacher. Your teacher will work closely with you to explore barriers you are facing in your personal life, help you get underneath those limitations to reconnect you with your true nature, and support you in integrating that deeper nature into your day-to-day life.
Find a Teacher

Join an In-Person Group
These ongoing, long-term groups meet on weekends or for longer retreats with a core Diamond Approach teaching team. Students in these groups often work together over the course of many years, getting to know one another deeply, and growing together spiritually and as human beings.

There are thousands of committed students on this path today with groups meeting regularly across Europe, Australia/New Zealand, Asia, Africa, and North America. Many students travel from around the world to study and be with their companions in these deeply supportive spaces for transformation.
Find a Group

Please feel free to email us with any questions at outreach@ridhwan.org. We look forward to sharing the treasures of this path with you!

The Diamond Approach

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