The A.H. Almaas Lecture Series is a new public offering produced by the Ridhwan Foundation that seeks to provide insight into and clarity around deep spiritual teachings. In 2021 the series will explore three iconic teachers: Nisargadatta, Krishnamurti, and Dogen; and two traditions: Advaita Vedanta and Dzogchen.
These lectures will each engage spiritual teachings with intellectual rigor, drawing on A.H. Almaas’s integration of western and eastern psychology and spirituality, which offers a more complete understanding than either discipline alone.
Each lecture will last approximately 45 minutes and will be followed by a question and comment period.
Combining psychological theory – seminal works on object relations theory, self-psychology, and depth psychology – with a Socratic method of inquiry, Almaas began to explore the human mind with intellectual rigor, systemically studying his consciousness. Almaas delved deeply into spiritual texts and mystical literature, as well as receiving a doctorate in psychology.
As scholars and researchers know, theory can provide us with insight, but experiments allow us to test the validity of our knowledge. Guided by his spiritual experiences and his nuanced method of inquiry into consciousness and the human condition, Almaas began teaching small groups and workshops. These initial teachings lead to the development of the Diamond Approach path (, a contemporary spiritual teaching which integrates ancient wisdom and directly accessed new spiritual insights with modern psychological knowledge.If you would like to support free programs like this one, you can make a contribution here. Please write A.H. Almaas Lecture Series in the Notes section. The Ridhwan Foundation does not provide financial or tax advice. Please contact your financial advisor regarding tax deductions.
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