Embodying Instinctual Energies on the Spiritual Path 

This autumn, we’ll be deepening our 2024 focus on the instinctual human drives by highlighting the essential role of the body in learning how to alchemize these primal forces into fuel for the spiritual journey. 

As you may recall, we kicked off the year with Diamond Approach founders, A H Almaas (Hameed Ali) and Karen Johnson teaching the Human Instincts on the Inner Journey course, which helped our global community learn how to move beyond the distortions of our social, sexual, and survival instincts and to harmonize our animal and spiritual natures.

Throughout this year, Hameed and Karen have seen that it is essential to provide a brand new teaching to help students work with the instincts directly in the body. Moving beyond spiritual experiences into the possibility of radical transformation in a challenging world requires a fundamental shift that prioritizes the body.

As a practitioner on a spiritual path, we may be able to have deep, even consistent experiences of spiritual states without inquiring into our instincts and realizing how powerfully these energies pattern our bodies and perspectives. 

In this case, our ‘spiritual life’ can remain artificially pristine – relatively untouched by the messiness of our life ­– because we don’t yet know how to integrate the drives and motives of our inner animal. Most of us are not even aware that we’ve missed a critical exploration or we haven’t known where to turn to work with these intimate tensions and painful historical patterns.

How and where can we learn to experience the pure aliveness of these powerful biological forces, to let these energies move in our body in a natural way, that is positive and life enhancing rather than destructive? This becomes a very personal, very practical question, not simply a philosophical one.  One that Hameed and Karen recognized requires body-based, spiritual inquiry and an environment with the exact, attuned knowledge to support this development.

As we begin to inquire into the patterns of our instincts on a physical, psychological, and functional level, there is a profound kind of liberation that frees our body to live as an expression of spirit. We come to see that our body is the essential conduit for liberating the purity of these energies into their healthy potential, where we can discover how they harmonize with and fulfill the possibilities of a fully embodied human and spiritual life. 

Learn More in Instinctual Alchemy, a free webinar about harmonizing your instincts to support your realization with Diamond Approach teachers Linda Krier and Jessica Britt

Join us for a critical, timely, and new teaching on the powerful synergy between body, instincts, and spirituality that allows us to be more authentically available to life in the modern world. Register for this free webinar here.

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