Spiritual Wisdom of the Body

A 5-part Celebration of Our Body as the Physical Expression of Our Spirituality

Recording Only.
This series took place from February through June 2022.

Healing the Divide Between Spirituality and Our Body

Many of us have limitations to entering into our bodies. We may have experienced trauma that made our bodies feel like unsafe places to be. Or we may have grown up in cultures or spiritual traditions that teach that the body is separate from spirituality, something we must transcend, or a source of impulses we must deny.

But the Diamond Approach path offers humanity another possibility, one of a fully embodied spirituality. In Spiritual Wisdom of the Body, we will explore this perspective in-depth through a series of five teachings that will help us know for ourselves, the radical unseparateness of body and being.

In each of the weekends, we’ll engage in experiential practices, exercises, and teachings that will help us learn about and begin to move through the blocks we all experience to living a fully embodied life. We will explore ways to reconnect with our bodies, release our painful histories, and turn towards our bodies with love so they can become something new that expresses the truth of who we really are.

“The enlightenment of the body really lies in the body knowing itself as being, in turning our view to our body not as an object, but actually a living form of consciousness that is beingness itself.”

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Recording Only.

with Linda Krier, Diamond Approach Teacher

This weekend will explore the nature of the relationship between spirituality and the body. It will offer the opportunity to understand the logic and beauty of our physical body as part of our spiritual path, how it serves the development of our soul, and how it both informs our spiritual path and expresses the fruits of it.

Recording Only.

with Jessica Britt, Diamond Approach Teacher

This program will explore how personal and universal trauma are stored in the flesh and how this can leave us with a mistaken sense of who we are. We will explore the gifts and challenges trauma can present on the spiritual path, and what the most appropriate supports are so we can begin to unwind, release, and dissolve it to live a freer, more authentic life.

Recording Only.

with Anne Laney, Diamond Approach Teacher

In this weekend, we will explore how experiencing the body as an expression of the inherent love of our being can be the antidote to many negative ideas about the body that we have internalized, and to healing the divisiveness so prevalent in the world today. By loving our body, we open it up to even more love.

Recording Only.

with Linda Krier, Diamond Approach Teacher

This program will demonstrate how our bodies can support us in entering our being more deeply, and how this then supports us in experiencing and expressing the gifts of our spirit in our daily lives. This can help us reclaim our life force, transforming our body from an object into a living, precious, wise expression of our soul.

Recording Only.

with Jessica Britt, Diamond Approach Teacher

In this weekend, we will learn practical tools that will help us reconnect with our bodies, reawaken the natural curiosity and open heartedness we had as children, and move through the places where we’ve shut down, so we can know ourselves deeply and live a truly embodied life.

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5-Part Teaching Series
Recording Only.


Recording Only.


Recording Only.


Recording Only.


Recording Only.



What is the Ridhwan School?

“Ridhwan” is a Sufi word. It means “satisfied and satisfying.” Our school, home to more than 4,000 students across the globe, has the potential to both help you to be fulfilled and to help others be fulfilled. Students learn to ground, sensitize, recognize, and trust the inherent guidance of Being.

What is the Diamond Approach?

The Diamond Approach is the core teaching of the Ridhwan School, a spiritual path that approaches our ordinary experiences, emotions, and sensations in a friendly way of understanding. This radical acceptance of our situation allows something to come through that puts us in touch with our spirituality.

In the Diamond Approach, everything we experience is utilized as a doorway to our spiritual nature. Rather than negating or seeking to transcend parts of our humanness that are considered barriers to realization, we learn to approach each aspect of our physical, emotional, and mental experience with acceptance and open curiosity to discover its truth. We do meditation and other exercises, but the main method is Diamond Inquiry™: non-judgment of what we’re experiencing, which brings crisp clarity into one’s own truth.

What’s included in the program?

Recordings of the five online workshops where you’ll hear talks from Linda Krier, Jessica Britt, and Anne Laney, participate in guided meditations and experiential exercises, and learn from other participants in the Q&C sessions.

Are the sessions live or pre-recorded?

This is a series of recordings of five online workshops.

Will you be mailing anything to me or is everything digital?

Once payment is received you will receive an email with your login details, then you are officially in! You will receive everything in your email inbox, including instructions on how to access the courses. Please check your spam folder to locate emails that starts with ‘[SWB 2022].’

Are there any technical requirements to participate in the course?

All course materials are accessible through any web browser on computers, tablets, and smartphones. You will need a solid high speed internet connection to view course videos. If you have slow internet you may have trouble viewing the videos. However, you will still have access to all materials by listening to or downloading audio files of the course.

Do you offer financial assistance such as scholarships for online courses?

Yes! To apply for financial assistance for any of our courses, click here to complete a scholarship application.

What if I have questions?

We’re here to support you on your journey and help with any questions you may have about enrolling and accessing the course. For support please email daosupport@ridhwan.org. Be sure to add this address to your contact list so we don’t end up in your Junk/Spam/Promotions folder. But please check there just in case!

Is there a refund policy?

Yes. If you are dissatisfied with this series —for any reason—simply contact us within 30 days of purchase.

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