Spirituality in Daily Life

Indestructible Self-Esteem

Experience an unshakable, indestructible self-esteem that is based inside of you, not on the material world or external conditions.

Recording Only. This event took place on Sunday, April 19th.

If Our Self-Esteem is Based on Things Outside of Us,
It Will Crumble Under Pressure

Psychologists have been saying for decades that self-esteem is crucial to your success in every area of life. The idea has been that we build self-esteem by creating successful experiences in life and then, based on our accomplishments, we build our sense of self-worth. 

But there is a problem with this approach because it means that our self-esteem is externally dependent, based on things outside of us.  And when we build something based on external factors, external factors can also destroy it. 

In this uncertain time where we are all facing the fears and fallout of a global pandemic, our external factors may have changed dramatically.  Many of us are facing financial insecuritieshealth fears, or job loss; parents, families, and schools have been impacted; even our ways of connecting with each other have radically changed. 

So who are we without all the usual outer achievements we rely on to keep our sense of self-worth intact?  How do we feel about ourselves when we no longer have access to the external things we use to maintain our self-esteem?

What if you could change all this and experience an unshakable, indestructible self-esteem that was based on who you really are, inside of yourself?

We invite you to join us for Indestructible Self-Esteem, the first in our 2020 Spirituality in Daily Life online seminar series on the Divine Heart of Humanity. Diamond Approach Teacher Andreas Mouskos will support you in discovering your true inner value so you can navigate your day-to-day life knowing your worth and loving yourself unconditionally.

“Get a taste of how different our lives can be when we know our own value.”

“Indestructible Self-Esteem” Will Help You...

Understand the difference between self-esteem that is based on things outside of you vs. a sense of True Value that comes from within.

Get under the surface of your personality, your thoughts, and the external circumstances in your life to experience the True Value of who and what you really are.

Discover that when we base our self-esteem on our True Value, there is no questioning it, no doubting it, and it cannot be destroyed.

Here’s Everything You’ll Receive When You Enroll...

Immediate access to a recording of the live interactive workshop that took place on Sunday, April 19th

An experiential exercise to help you explore how you experience value in your life

Guided meditations to take you deeper

A pre-recorded Q&A period where you can learn both from Andreas and other participants

Meet Your Teacher

Andreas Mouskos

Andreas was born in London, UK, was raised in Cyprus, studied architecture in Florence, Italy, and later psychology in Colorado, in the USA. During his teen years, he became involved with the well-known teacher in Cyprus, known as Daskalos. Andreas later studied briefly with a Sufi and continued for 15 years in the Hindu tradition, before discovering the Diamond Approach in 1988.

Are You Ready to Experience Indestructible Self-Esteem?

To make online spiritual support more accessible to our global community, especially during the pandemic, we offer two additional “Pay It Forward” payment options in addition to the regular fee. For those who need help, we offer a reduced tuition option, and for those who are able to help, we offer the chance to give a “Pay It Forward” addition to regular tuition, with those additions going directly to provide scholarship opportunities for others.


This course is one part of the 3-part video teaching series Divine Heart of Humanity. Each course in this series may be purchased individually, or you can register for the full series for a combined discount.

Join Us for the Full Series

for a $30 Discount

or Choose the Course You Are Most Interested In ▶

3-Part Teaching Series









What is the Ridhwan School?

“Ridhwan” is a Sufi word. It means “satisfied and satisfying.” Our school, home to more than 4,000 students across the globe, has the potential to both help you to be fulfilled and to help others be fulfilled. Students learn to ground, sensitize, recognize, and trust the inherent guidance of Being.

What is the Diamond Approach?

The Diamond Approach is the core teaching of the Ridhwan School, a spiritual path that approaches our ordinary experiences, emotions, and sensations in a friendly way of understanding. This radical acceptance of our situation allows something to come through that puts us in touch with our spirituality.

In the Diamond Approach, everything we experience is utilized as a doorway to our spiritual nature. Rather than negating or seeking to transcend parts of our humanness that are considered barriers to realization, we learn to approach each aspect of our physical, emotional, and mental experience with acceptance and open curiosity to discover its truth. We do meditation and other exercises, but the main method is inquiry: non-judgment of what we’re experiencing, which brings crisp clarity into one’s own truth.

What’s included in the program?

In this pre-recorded interactive workshop, you’ll hear a talk from Andreas, participate in experiential exercises, and learn from other participants in the Q&A portion with Andreas.

Are the sessions live or pre-recorded?

This is a recording of the live event that took place on Sunday, April 19th.

Will you be mailing anything to me or is everything digital?

Once payment is received you will receive an email with your login details, then you are officially in! You will receive everything in your email inbox, including instructions on how to access the course. Please check your spam folder to locate the email that says ‘Congratulations on your enrollment in Indestructible Self Esteem.’

Do you offer financial assistance such as scholarships for online courses?

Yes! To apply for financial assistance for any of our courses, click here to complete a scholarship application.

What if I have questions?

We’re here to support you on your journey and help with any questions you may have about enrolling and accessing the course. For support please email daosupport@ridhwan.org. Be sure to add this address to your contact list so we don’t end up in your Junk/Spam/Promotions folder. But please check there just in case!

Is there a refund policy?

Yes. If you are dissatisfied with the course —for any reason—simply contact us within 30 days of course start.

Register Here

We realize that many in our communities are facing economic uncertainties right now given the impacts of the pandemic. To honor those challenges and make this program more widely accessible to anyone who needs it, you may register by selecting one of the “pay what you can” tuition options below.

The Diamond Approach

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