A modern-day spiritual teaching for today’s world.
A modern-day spiritual path seamlessly blends ancient wisdom with contemporary understanding. It is a journey of self-discovery that considers the complexities of the modern world and the latest advancements in fields such as psychology, neuroscience, and physics. It is a path recognizing that true spiritual growth cannot be separated from personal development and encourages individuals to integrate their understanding of reality with their everyday lives. It is a dynamic, flexible, and adaptable path, providing guidance and support for individuals to navigate the unique challenges of their time. In essence, a modern-day spiritual path is both timeless and timely.
Hameed Ali, also known as A. H. Almaas, is a spiritual teacher and author widely recognized as an expert and master teacher of nonduality and the synthetic ground of psychology and spirituality. He has been studying and practicing spiritual realization for over fifty years and has developed a unique modern-day spiritual path known as the Diamond Approach or Diamond Path. This approach is based on principles of nonduality, which teaches that the soul and the ultimate reality are not separate but are rather the same nature.
He brought a unique perspective to the spiritual path, drawing from his math, physics, and psychology backgrounds. His extensive education and understanding of these fields allowed him to see the interconnectedness of all things and how they related to the spiritual journey. This understanding led to the development of the Diamond Approach as a modern-day spiritual path that integrates spiritual realization and psychological development.
Almaas’ realization also played a crucial role in the organic arising of the Diamond Approach. Through his spiritual journey, he discovered that traditional spiritual practices and teachings needed to fully address the complexities of the modern world and the unique challenges individuals face. He saw the need for a new approach that combined ancient wisdom with contemporary understanding. His realization led to the development of the Diamond Approach, an approach that is based on his own experiences and understanding of reality. This approach is grounded in his realization and is an organic arising from it.
The Diamond Approach is considered unique as it blends spiritual wisdom from the past and modern knowledge from psychology, neuroscience, physics, and other fields. This integration of knowledge and understanding makes the Diamond Approach a modern-day spiritual path that is dynamic, flexible, and adaptable to the unique challenges of the modern world.

Almaas has written twenty books on the Diamond Approach and spiritual realization, including “The Unfolding Now: Realizing Your True Nature through the Practice of Presence,” “The Inner Journey Home: The Inner Journey Home: Soul’s Realization of the Unity of Reality,” and “Essence with the Elixir of Enlightenment: The Diamond Approach to Inner Realization.” These books provide a detailed and comprehensive explanation of the Diamond Approach and how it can be applied to personal development and spiritual realization.
He has been teaching and leading workshops and retreats for over 50 years and has trained many teachers who now teach and lead workshops and retreats worldwide. Many people widely recognize and appreciate his teachings; his work is considered a valuable contribution to personal development and spiritual wisdom of the ages.
Key Elements of the Diamond Approach:
- An emphasis on integrating spiritual realization and psychological development. This means that the approach is designed to help individuals to understand the nature of reality and to live in alignment with that understanding while also addressing psychological issues and working on personal growth.
- Self-inquiry as a means of accessing spiritual realization. This involves asking open-ended questions about one’s inner reality, such as “Who am I?”, “What is my experience right now?”, “What is the phenomenology of my experience?” and so on, allowing individuals to explore their inner reality without preconceptions or judgments.
- The Diamond Approach is open-ended, with no predetermined answers or conclusions. It is not based on any specific religious doctrine or belief system and is open to individuals of all backgrounds and beliefs. It encourages individuals to find their unique spiritual path.
- It uses psychological understanding to access spiritual states of consciousness. It helps individuals understand and resolve their psychological issues and better understand themselves and reality.
- Spiritual realization is a process that occurs over time and might not be a sudden enlightenment experience. It is more of a gradual unfolding of understanding and awareness. Most individuals need guidance and support to navigate the process. It emphasizes the importance of working with a teacher who is trained in the approach.
Overall, the Diamond Approach is considered unique because it is a holistic approach that integrates spiritual realization and psychological development, emphasizes self-inquiry and open-ended inquiry, and encourages individuals to find their unique spiritual path. It also emphasizes working with a teacher and understanding that spiritual realization is a gradual process, not a sudden experience.

Some Specific Areas of Spiritual Knowledge Explored
- Essential Qualities: The Diamond Approach emphasizes the understanding of essential qualities, innate, inherent qualities of true nature, such as love, wisdom, and compassion, that are present in everyone but may be obscured by psychological conditioning. The approach teaches that understanding these essential qualities and how they relate to ego development is vital to spiritual realization.
- Personal Essence: Personal essence is the maturation of ego development. It is the true self, the unique expression of the individual’s essential qualities. By understanding and accessing the personal essence, individuals can better live in alignment with their true nature and access more profound spiritual realization.
- True Identity: The Diamond Approach teaches that narcissism is the main barrier to true identity. Taking ourselves as a separate, independent, historical entity is the basis of narcissism. As we develop, we lose awareness of our true selves and develop a self-image based on ego structures and history.
- Five boundless dimensions of reality: These are considered innate co-emergent qualities of true nature. They are considered to be the foundation of spiritual realization. By understanding and accessing these dimensions, individuals can better access more profound levels of spiritual realization and live in alignment with their true nature.
- Divine Love: This dimension represents the loving and compassionate nature of reality. The innate quality of the self allows individuals to connect with others and the world in a loving and compassionate way.
- Co-emergence of Being and Knowing: This dimension represents the innate ability of the self to be and to know simultaneously. It is the ability to be fully present in the moment, to be aware of one’s thoughts, emotions, and experiences, and to understand the nature of reality.
- Nonconceptual Awareness: This dimension represents the innate ability of the self to perceive reality without the filter of thought or concept. It is the ability to be aware of one’s surroundings and experiences directly and nonconceptually.
- The Logos or Dynamism of Being: This dimension represents the innate ability of the self to understand the nature of reality and to live in alignment with that understanding. It is the ability to understand the underlying principles that govern the world and live in harmony with them.
- The Absolute or the Primordial Ground of Being: This dimension represents the innate ability of the self to connect with the ultimate reality or the ground of being. It is the ability to understand reality’s ultimate nature and live in alignment with that understanding.
These elements are unique to the Diamond Approach, they provide a holistic and unique understanding of spiritual realization and personal development. They provide a deeper understanding of the self and the world and how they are interconnected. The Diamond Approach’s understanding of essential qualities, personal essence, narcissism, and the five boundless dimensions of reality provides a unique perspective on the spiritual journey and personal development.

Being in the world, but not of it
The Diamond Approach emphasizes “being in the world, but not of it” as one of its core tenets. This concept suggests that individuals should be present and engaged in the world while remaining detached and not becoming too deeply entrenched in its illusions and distractions.
This tenet encourages individuals to be aware of their surroundings and actively participate in the world while being mindful of the nature of reality and not becoming too attached to the material or egoic aspects of life. By staying connected to their inner spiritual essence, individuals can navigate the world with greater clarity and wisdom and avoid becoming lost in its illusions and distractions.
This approach is based on the idea that true spiritual growth cannot be separated from personal development. It encourages individuals to integrate their understanding of reality with their everyday lives. It is a way to balance being engaged in the world and not becoming too attached to its fleeting pleasures and pains.
In this way, the Diamond Approach encourages individuals to be fully present in the world, participate in it actively, and make a positive impact while remaining mindful of the nature of reality and not becoming lost in the illusions and distractions that the world presents.
In conclusion, the Diamond Approach is a modern-day spiritual path that seamlessly blends ancient wisdom with contemporary understanding. Developed by A.H. Almaas, an expert in nonduality and the synthetic ground of psychology and spirituality, the Diamond Approach is unique because it emphasizes the integration of spiritual realization and psychological development. It is based on the principles of self-inquiry, and open-ended inquiry and encourages individuals to find their unique spiritual path. The approach also emphasizes working with a trained teacher and understanding that spiritual realization is gradual. This holistic approach is adaptable to the unique challenges of the modern world, making it a valuable contribution to personal development and the global and historical body of spiritual wisdom.