Did you know that each year Diamond Approach Online offers a central theme and inquiry invitation for our public community?

As 2023 began, over 1000 people from around the world were exploring the transformational power of the Enneagram to take them beyond their habitual self with Russ Hudson and Sandra Maitri in our Keys to the Enneagram online course. Based on the recent book, Keys to the Enneagram: How to Unlock the Highest Potential of Every Personality Type by A. H. Almaas (pen name for Diamond Approach founder, Hameed Ali), the course gave participants the practices and perspectives to journey to their True Nature through the Enneagram.
At the same time, another book by Hameed, Nondual Love: Awakening to the Loving Nature of Reality, was about to be released to the public. This book reveals how love is a transformative aspect of the spiritual path—and, in fact, is our very nature.
These activities inspired our theme and guided the series of programs we offered this year to help you deepen your embodiment of spiritual love as you navigate both the challenges you face in yourself and those you encounter in the world.

Hameed introduced the year with the What is a Modern-Day Spiritual Path? webinar, where participants discovered what a true spiritual path is in current times, how spiritual practice is needed now more than ever, and the ways it can help shift humanity into a more loving, unified place.
The webinar drew thousands of participants and raised many questions about what it looks like to engage a true spiritual path. To address this and the fact that our programs have been so well attended over the last few years that many people have not had a chance to be supported in their inquiry or have their personal questions answered by a teacher during the live events, we provided a one-to-one session with a Diamond Approach teacher to 100 course participants at no charge. This allowed participants to experience inquiry at a new level and to receive personal answers to their questions about the Diamond Path and joining a Diamond Approach group.

In March, the Nondual Love book was released with the intention to take readers on a journey beyond a narrow, individual understanding of love to an exploration of what Hameed calls the boundless dimension of Divine Love. This is not the kind of love that we feel toward somebody else; it is nondual, a love without boundaries. Or put another way, it is universal true nature experienced as love.
For those wanting more engagement with the topic of Nondual Love, we followed the release of the book with a video series, webinar, and online course inviting our community to explore how our everyday relationship with love or lack of love can be a portal to the embodying transformational power of spiritual love.
Participants in this year’s programs tell us how much has shifted in their inner journey and their practice of opening to greater love while being with the challenges of daily life and the suffering taking place in world in a real way. This year’s theme is also a wonderful foundation for the new year and our 2024 theme which we’ll be sharing with you on January 9th.
May your turn of year be blessed with warmth, grace, and true transformation. We look forward to further discovery together next year.