John Harper

alive presence

Alive with Presence

Jack entered the crowded room as he entered every room, quietly. It didn’t matter, conversations stopped, heads turned, as his presence filled the room. How many novels have you read with lines like that? Or, his presence radiated aliveness and vitality, or her presence was

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YOUR Body of Love

YOUR Body of Love

How does your body feel about you? Most of us, at times, have issues or judgments about our bodies. We spend much of our lives in our heads looking down at or into our bodies as an object and making decisions about them all the

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trauma and spirituality

Trauma and the Soul

How does trauma affect the soul? Working with trauma is getting a lot of attention these days and rightly so as in the United States alone, it is estimated that over 223 million people suffer from some type of trauma. That’s 70% of the population.

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what is the soul

What is the soul?

Do we have a Soul? Who/what has it? What is the relationship between the body and the soul? The Diamond Approach articulates a comprehensive understanding of the soul as the “medium of experience.” This medium of experience exists on the macro-level as the underlying field

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