A.H. Almaas - Points of Interest

A multi-venue channel for commentary, dialogue and inquiry with A. H. Almaas, founder of the Diamond Approach to Self-realization.

In the Diamond Approach, true identity is referred to as the point of existence as it is this point that gives existence to all elements of a human life. Thus, points of interest expresses the where, what, when of dialectic interaction between two points of existence.

overview of the diamond approach


An Overview of the Diamond Approach to Self-Realization by A. H. Almaas The Diamond Approach is a contemporary spiritual teaching that developed within the context of awareness of both ancient spiritual teachings and modern depth psychological theories; hence the perspective of this teaching recognizes the inherent synthesis between the spiritual and the psychological domains of experience. The spiritual and the psychological can be separated only in theory, for in experience, they are two dimensions of the same human consciousness. Recognizing this truth makes it possible to approach the path to inner realization informed with modern psychological knowledge. Thus, understanding one’s psychological experience opens one’s consciousness to the deeper truths of our spiritual nature. This teaching approaches the path by considering,

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Dogen zen soto school japan


Download a Handout with the Quotations from this Lecture(The notes below are from A. H. Almaas’s overview of this lecture.) Eihei Dogen Zenji is the founder of the Soto school of Zen in Japan. It is one of the two major schools in Japan; the other one is Rinzai. Dogen found a teacher in China, with whom he had his realization, then came back to Japan and started teaching. This teaching was the beginning of the Soto Sect in his own country. Dogen lived in the 13th century. I am talking about him mostly to introduce him to the general spiritual culture these days. He is not well known in most circles, and not understood even by most Zen practitioners.

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Garab Dorge Three Vital Points Dzogchen


https://youtu.be/m5DqqmvJb2g GARAB DORJE’S THREE ESSENTIAL POINTS  Download a Handout with the Quotations from this Lecture (The notes below are from A. H. Almaas’s overview of this lecture.) This lecture is not me teaching Dzogchen. Even though I have studied it and practiced it some, and know experientially its realization, I am not a teacher of Dzogchen.  I wanted to give some observations of how Dzogchen got to be practiced in the West, and how it is similar or different from how it was done in Tibet. My intention is to help those interested in it or practicing it in understanding how it can work effectively, as it had done for the great masters of Tibet.   And I am going to

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advaita vedanta almaas lecture series

Advaita Vedanta: That Thou Art – (Tat Tvam Asi)

https://youtu.be/YgobVNir4tI Register Here for the Remaining Lectures in the Series Download a Handout with the Quotations from this Lecture This is not a teaching on Advaita Vedanta. It is an overview of how it is practiced in the West, and the ways it is practiced effectively or not. 1. SHANKARA Credited with the present formulation of Advaita Vedanta, by distilling and developing the nondual teachings of the old Vedas, like the Upanishads. 2. JNANADEVA Emphasized devotion and love 3. RAMANA MAHARSHI Seemed to follow the view of Shankara. But he was well known for his luminous heart. 4. LINEAGES Different schools and lineages in India, some of them have followers and teachers in the West. 5. POONJAJI AND HIS FOLLOWERS

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Krishnamurti: His experience

Krishnamurti: His Experience

A. H. Almaas Lecture Series: Krishnamurti: His Experience Download the Lecture Handout for the quotes referred to in the lecture. In the case of Krishnamurti, the teachings of this 20th-century spiritual master can’t be truly understood without understanding the man and his inner transformation. Krishnamurti did not bring up his personal experience while teaching, yet his life was a highly unusual one. Adopted as a youth by Annie Besant (of the Theosophical Society), as an adult he kept no home but chose to travel and lecture, producing a vast body of work. Anyone with the good fortune to hear him talk toward the end of his life, when he was suffering from pancreatic cancer, could see the amazing and lively

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jiddu Krishnamurti teaching

Jiddu Krishnamurti: His Teaching

Information on full lecture series is available here. Download the Lecture Handout for the quotes referred to in the lecture. No authority, teacher or teaching can help you be free 21:06 – His Teaching Intense self observation without any interference from the mind Attention is not the same as concentration 33:56 Experiences of Observation Studying without trying to explore Focus on a kind of intense observation The need for intense passion and love 37:32 The Observer is the Observed Total Seeing Nondual & Suchness Totality or Suchness Total Freedom 57:00 Otherness See Other Lecture Series Videos: Nisargadatta Maharaj’s Neglected Teachings Krishnamaurti: His Teaching Krishnamurti: His Experience Advaita Vedanta Dzogchen Dogen

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Nisargadatta Maharaj’s Neglected Teachings

5 Under-explored Aspects of Nisargadatta’s Teachings https://youtu.be/TDA1KlIi_Ps Below are the outline-notes from A. H. Almaas’ lecture on Nisargadatta. Download the lecture handout. Please leave questions and comments below. A. H. Almaas discusses some critical aspects of Nisargadatta Maharaj’s teachings that he feels often fail to get the attention needed to fully understand the teaching. Nisargadatta Maharaj is a nondual teacher. Many connect him to Advaita Vedanta. Guru of the lineage known as Navnath Sampradaya, lineage of the 9 saints. Had a guru for few years, who gave him teachings and practices. He almost went to the Himalayas to be a renunciate but was convinced by a friend to live a normal city life.   Major Points:  1. Nondual teaching making consciousness primary: Don’t say you

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spirituality transcendence transformation (1)

Spiritual Transcendence and Transformation (Diamond Approach)

From the beginning. . . …it’s important to know the distinction between spiritual transcendence and spiritual transformation.  Most teachings, especially those that come from the East or are influenced by the East, tend to emphasize spiritual transcendence and teachings that come from the West, like the Kabbalah, tend to emphasize spiritual transformation. This doesn’t mean they are mutually exclusive.  (This post is derived from a recorded live presentation. Some minor edits have been made. Quotes and images added for emphasis and to show a certain amount of agreement between other recognized nondual teachers.) Dictionary Definitions: Transcendence: existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level. Transformation: a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance; a metamorphosis during the life cycle of

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Diamond Approach Perspective Work

Perspective of the Work (Diamond Approach)

A. H. Almaas – 6/21/1981 I want to give a perspective that somehow delineates, not that this Work (the Diamond Approach) is available and useful, but to delineate its nature and how it is different from other kinds of Work.   What does this mean?  That’s the part that is really difficult to see, because many of you have never been involved with other kinds of Work.   Many of you have never really done any deep work in essential development or deep work in a psychological sense.  So it’s hard to get a perspective when you have nothing there to compare it with.  I think that by having a perspective of what’s available here, how it is different or similar to

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harmony three centers

Harmony of Centers

Three elements needed for the process of understanding To be able to turn away from something, to turn away from a certain experience, a certain sort of image, your identity needs to be at a deeper level than that self-image in that moment. You cannot turn away or disidentify from something if you happen to be identified with something that is more superficial than what you’re intending to disidentify from. This post is an excerpt from a teaching by A. H. Almaas in July of 1983 So, if you are identified with a certain self-image, and then there’s a feeling that arises and you find yourself unable to turn away from it, it might be because it is at a

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