A.H. Almaas - Points of Interest

A multi-venue channel for commentary, dialogue and inquiry with A. H. Almaas, founder of the Diamond Approach to Self-realization.

In the Diamond Approach, true identity is referred to as the point of existence as it is this point that gives existence to all elements of a human life. Thus, points of interest expresses the where, what, when of dialectic interaction between two points of existence.

liberated heart

The Liberated Heart

In this teaching from 1986, A. H. Almaas discusses the Liberated Heart. Some of the points discussed are: The capacity to feel and to feel freely Reactivity versus feeling Higher emotional center versus lower emotional center Higher emotional center expresses the qualities of essence bringing out the aesthetics of the present moment The barrier to the operation of the true heart can be viewed from two perspectives – phenomenological and psychological Both boil down to the issue of attachment What are the roots of attachment? Ego is attachment When appreciation is continuous, the higher emotional center is operating If you are attached, the you don’t want to see the relationship as it is objctively The conceptual mind splits experience into

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Chesed grace Geburah effort

The Interplay of Grace and Effort on a Nondual Path

The Paradox of Grace and Effort (This teaching was first presented in 5/29/1993 to students of the Ridhwan School) In working with the question of impeccability in terms of doing this Work, the Diamond Approach, I will bring in a paradox related to impeccability by working with polarity. The more you learn about impeccability and learn to be impeccable, the more you will be able to be impeccable in the Work. There’s a danger of us coming to believe that what happens in our work is the result of our efforts and actions. This brings in the paradox. The way that I will work with it is with the perspective of Chesed and Geburah, usually translated as mercy and severity,

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Love Unveiled with A.H. Almaas

Love Unveiled with A.H. Almaas

Discovering the Essence of the Awakened Heart From Love Unveiled: In Love Unveiled, Almaas introduces the reader to three distinct flavors of loving consciousness: personal, merging , and passionate. They all share qualities that can only be defined as love, but each one feels recognizably different from the others in terms of the sensation and feel of it, the associations it evokes, and the effect on our experience. Love Unveiled, is about love as an aspect of the presence of our true nature. Presence appears most fundamentally as consciousness conscious of itself, but it also has qualities of mind, heart, and will. The qualities of the heart include kindness, gratitude, fulfillment, and joy, but here we are focused on love: its

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We are all human beings, and we all have the same precious spirit. And we all deserve the same rights, the same freedom, and the same safety.

Statement from Hameed Ali About Our Current Turbulent Times

We were just about to come out of the coronavirus pandemic when racism and cruelty took us to another dimension of challenges. The cruel and heartless killing of George Floyd is both appalling and the latest of many events like it that are the symptom of a larger issue in our country, the USA. Many are going out protesting not just this heart-wrenching event but the system of justice and police enforcement that have made it possible, and the widespread racism that still remains in the larger culture. It is good to see that there are so many who are channeling their outrage into courageous yet peaceful protests with a unified voice demanding substantial, real change. This country needs real

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Love Beloved Heart

Love Beloved Heart

Without that meeting with the Guest, without that intimate familiarity with the Beloved, we are fundamentally, ontologically, existentially alone. We are separated from our Beloved. We use the name “our Beloved” because our heart will not feel completely happy, delighted, fulfilled, contented, and rested until it meets with the true object of the heart, the true love of our soul’s heart.  We make so many things more important without understanding what is most central to our well-being. What does it matter what we do in our life? What does it matter if I go here or go there? Or if I have this possession or I don’t have it? If I’m in this situation or that situation? Whether somebody likes

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Soul Stream of Consciousness

Buddhism and the Soul: Part 4

Soul is a stream of consciousness We need to hold different views simultaneously to have a more thorough understanding of individual consciousness. We need to hold the nondual or unitive view, but we also need to hold the individual view, and possibly more views. In the Diamond Approach, we have a quite detailed understanding of the individual consciousness. I refer to it as soul, but there is the recognition that it is not an individual entity, but rather a stream of consciousness, a flow of experience. There is no claim that the Diamond Approach has a complete understanding of individual consciousness, rather there is the recognition that many teachings have a good understanding sufficient for the particular teaching. Each teaching

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Open Ended Inquiry

Buddhism and the Soul: Part 3

Open-ended inquiry redux I do not consider my experience to be incontrovertible evidence or proof of the truth of what I believe I saw or experienced. After all I am still alive and in the body and it seems to me that direct corroboration of what the deceased individual is actually experiencing can only come from being on their side of the death divide. What I would like to encourage in the meantime is to be open to what various teachings say, and, at the same time, question everything, even your own perceptions, until a more satisfactory method of verification than we have at present becomes available. March 2013 I am quite heartened by the many meaningful responses to the

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Open Ended Inquiry

Buddhism and the Soul: Part 2

Open & open-ended inquiry Maybe none of the researchers who were having the discussion with HHDL knew of this understanding or experience of soul, or it did not occur to them, or they were too polite to contradict a major Buddhist tenet with HHDL. But it is obvious to me that HHDL has the kind of openness to have welcomed such a discussion for he has been seeking common elements in the various traditions. I think a great opportunity was missed, which I hope will not happen the next time such an opportunity is presented. It is important to point out I was not just reading, enjoying and benefiting from the book. I always read a book by engaging my

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Dreams Lucid Dreaming Sleep

Buddhism and the Soul: Part 1

Missed Opportunities Originally posted February 2013 A year ago a friend gave me a book titled Sleeping, Dreaming, and Dying—An Exploration of Consciousness with the Dalai Lama,, edited and narrated by Francisco Varela, Ph. D. published in 1997. It is a narration of one of the first times His Holiness the Dalai Lama (HHDL) met and dialogued with Western scientists and researchers. The group included philosophers, psychologists, ecologists, neuroscientists, and anthropologists. Because HHDL was not only knowledgeable both intellectually and experientially with the Tibetan teaching systems but also open to listen and question, I found this an unusual opportunity for a dialogue and true investigation that crossed the boundaries of both religions and research areas. And it was clear that

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Godels Two Theroms

Is There an Ultimate Reality? – Part 4

Entanglement of spiritual traditions It is my understanding that this is an interesting outcome of the meeting of traditions in our time. We do not have to adhere to an ultimate but we can. We do not need to take a view whether ultimates is a valid way of expressing reality or completeness is, for they both do and many others also do. Freedom becomes the value, and it is both defined and defies definition. But it expresses itself as the all rounded openness for ourselves as the very reality to express itself in whatever way its intelligence moves it. There is no end to realization, kinds and types of awakening, or enlightenment and completeness. There is no end for

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