Learn how to reconcile with the world’s discord and return to wholeness with A. H. Almaas, Karen Johnson, Sandra Maitri, Jessica Britt, and Vince Draddy.
Join Diamond Approach founders A.H. Almaas and Karen Johnson in this free webinar to learn how to deepen our inner stability, stay rooted in realization, and bring beauty to stormy times.
Learn how to liberate your social, sexual and survival instincts in this groundbreaking course taught by A.H. Almaas and Karen Johnson.
Learn how to open more fully to love in this 3-part live course with Zarina Maiwandi and A.H. Almaas
Partner with your body to discover the true nature of your instincts and learn to embody the rich inner resources that lie dormant within you.
Deepen your inquiry practice with the support of a small group and ordained Diamond Approach teacher.
Learn how to unlock the 9 spiritual gifts of the Enneagram in this online course with Russ Hudson and Sandra Maitri based on A.H. Almaas’ book Keys to the Enneagram.
Join Diamond Approach founders A.H. Almaas and Karen Johnson for this free webinar to learn how working with your social, sexual and survival instincts can enhance your spiritual life.
Watch this free talk as A.H. Almaas and Zarina Maiwandi guide us in exploring what love really is and how we can bring more of it into the world.
Join Diamond Approach founder, A.H. Almaas, for this free talk exploring spirituality in modern times.
A. H. Almaas shares about his inspiration for the book and his teachings of Nondual Love, the second book on the topic of love in a three-part series on the topic of love.
Join Enneagram experts, Russ Hudson and Sandra Maitri, for this free talk as they discuss a revolutionary new view on the true spiritual potential of the Enneagram.
Watch Diamond Approach co-founder, Karen Johnson, in this free talk exploring the role of the body on the spiritual journey.
A.H. Almaas explored five major spiritual teachers and traditions and their contributions to spirituality, including: Nisargadatta, Krishnamurti, Advaita Vedanta, Dzogchen, and Dogen.
Riveting interviewer and founder of Sounds True, Tami Simon, asks the tough questions about the Diamond Path of Diamond Approach founder A.H. Almaas and teacher Zarina Maiwandi.
Karen Johnson talks about the interplay of spiritual presence and the mind, and the integration of knowledge into realization.
Karen Johnson talks about returning to a new normal during the coronavirus pandemic and how our divine heart can illuminate the way forward.
Anger, hurt, and even vengeful feelings can arise when looking at regrets or grudges, In this talk, we explore how forgiveness sets your heart free and also liberates others.
Discover the truth of who and what you are through the foundational teachings of the Diamond Approach.
Discover the gifts of embodiment through sacred movement practice.
Explore the spiritual, psychological, and physical aspects of the death of the ego as well as the body.
A 5-part series on learning how to heal the divide between spirituality and the body.
Understand the importance of your body on the spiritual journey.
Realize there is more to you than your traumatic history.
Discover how love can help us reclaim our bodies.
Unlock your body’s potential to express the gifts of spirit in everyday life.
Explore tools for living a truly embodied life.
Many spiritual traditions view our minds as obstacles on the inner journey. The Diamond Approach, however, teaches us how to use our true mind to free us from the limitations of our conditioning and awaken us to the timeless truth of who and what we are.
In this program we explore our inner critic, learning how to recognize it and loosen its hold on our daily lives so we can experience greater freedom and a clearer mind for true wisdom to arise.
Learn how our everyday experience is actually a doorway to our potential to be more awake, fulfilled, and authentic in the way we relate to the world and to ourselves.
Discover how our minds are necessary on the journey toward realization and enlightenment and can actually become a powerful ally that helps free us from unnecessary suffering.
Join us in an exploration of the ideas, beliefs, and emotional debris that stand in the way of experiencing a deeper kind of love that is available to all human beings.
Join us in an exploration of what acceptance really is, what our usual modes of avoiding certain experiences looks like, and how being right where we are is the key to liberation.
Join us in discovering how presence can take us on a rich journey of becoming our true selves, and how it has the power to impact not only our lives, but the world around us.
The most effective way to disarm resistance on the path is to embrace the natural defenses that have served us. Learn this method for coming closer to the truth of who we are.
Learn 3 ways to apply the alchemy of love in challenging times.
Experience an unshakable, indestructible self-esteem that is based inside of you, not on the material world or external conditions.
Understand and move through your personal blocks to love and open the potential for love within you.
Shift from a “fix-it” mindset to one of passionate self-discovery.
An online course with A. H. Almaas, Jeanne Rosenblum, Zarina Maiwandi and Rob Merkx
An online course with Byron Brown
An online course with A. H. Almaas
An online course with Bob Ball and Jeanine Mamary
An online course with Sandra Maitri
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